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Povídání o detektivkách / P.D. Jamesová ; [přeložila Petra Diestlerová]
James, P. D., 1920-2014
Publish info: Praha : Motto, 2011
Range: 154 s. : il. ; 21 cm
ISBN: 978-80-7246-549-1
Subject: detective prose literature - 19.-20. stol.
Subject: British prose literature - 19.-20. stol.
Subject: literary criticism and history
Subject: text composition
Subject: detective prose literature - 19th-20th centuries
Subject: British prose literature - 19th-20th centuries
Subject: literary criticism and history
Subject: detective fiction
Subject: text composition
Chronological theme: 19.-20. století
Theme/Genre: studies
Theme/Genre: studies
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Knihovna 8 22245 Available
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Knihovna 1 0 1 0


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