Work detail
Physical description: ta Leader : -----nam a22------a 4500 Record number in NB: cnb000014656 020q: (Váz.) System control number: (OCoLC)39429003 Original cataloguing agency: PAG001 Language of cataloging: cze Geographic classification area code: f-cg--- Conspectus: 913(6) Word formulation of Conspectus group: Geografie Afriky, reálie, cestování Code source: Konspekt 0729: 7 Authority heading: Pařízek, L. M. 1907-1988 Fuller form of name: (Ladislav Mikeš), Relator code: Author Name: Pod souhvězdím Oriónu / Statement of responsibility: Ladislav Mikeš Pařízek Edition statement: 1. vyd. Place of publication: Praha : Name of publisher: Albatros, Date of publication: 1986 Extent: 203 s. : Other physical details: il. ; Dimensions: 21 cm Target audience note: Pro čtenáře od 12 let Topical term (heading): cesty a pobyt Geographic subdivision: Kongo (Kinshasa) 6502: czenas Topical term (heading): cestopisy Topical term or geographic name entry element: voyages and travels Geographic subdivision: Congo (Democratic Republic) 6502: eczenas Geographic name (heading): Demokratická republika Kongo General subdivision: vlastivěda Source of heading or term: czenas Geographic name: Congo (Democratic Republic) General subdivision: description and travel Source of heading or term: eczenas Genre/Form Heading: cestopisy Genre/form data or focus term: books of travels Source of heading or term: eczenas |
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