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Literatur Verzeichnis


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Bandmarken: 8
Shakespearův kód / Virginia M. Fellowsová ; [přeložila Martina Čermáková]
Fellows, Virginia M.
Verlag Informationen: Praha : Mladá fronta, 2008
Umfang: 345 s. : il., portréty, faksim. ; 21 cm
ISBN: 978-80-204-1638-4
Words_person: Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
Words_person: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626
Subject: angličtí dramatici - 16.-17. stol.
Subject: filozofové - Anglie
Subject: anglické drama - 16.-17. stol.
Subject: anglická filozofie - 16.-17. stol.
Subject: literárněvědné rozbory
Subject: English dramatists - 16th-17th centuries
Subject: philosophers - England
Subject: English drama - 16th-17th centuries
Subject: English philosophy - 16th-17th centuries
Subject: literary criticism and history
Geographical theme: Anglie - dějiny - 16.-17. stol.
Geographical theme: England - history - 16th-17th centuries
Chronological theme: 1561-1626
Theme/Genre: studie
Theme/Genre: biografie
Theme/Genre: studies
Theme/Genre: biography
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Knihovna 8 23215 Erhältlich
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Knihovna 1 0 1 0


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