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Authority detail

Main Entry: Gould, Judith

Relations: Bienes, Nicholas Peter, 1952-
Relations: Gallaher, Rhea, 1945-

Citation: Gould, J.: Druhá láska
Citation: LC (Names), cit. 10. 6. 2011
Citation: www (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), cit. 13. 6. 2011

Visited works

Diamantový trůn
Eddings, David, 1931-2009
Nehoda /
Steel, Danielle, 1947-
Julie a hříbě /
Gohl, Christiane, 1958-
Panna na Skálholtu /
Guðmundur Kamban, 1888-1945
Sibiř - obdivuhodná země /
Aleksandrov, Valentin Aleksejevič, 1931-