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Detal kartoteki

Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 1904-1991
Other form of name PPP: Zinger, Jicchok Baševis, 1904-1991
Other form of name PPP: Bashevis, Isaac, 1904-1991
Other form of name PPP: Singer, Jicchak, 1904-1991
Citation: NKC
Citation: Vášně a jiné povídky
Citation: Všeobecná encyklopedie v osmi svazcích: Diderot
Citation: LC (Names), cit. 24. 11. 2014
Citation: NLI (Izrael), cit. 24. 11. 2014
Citation: www(Wikipedie, otevřená encyklopedie), cit. 24. 11. 2014

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