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Autorität Detail

Székely-Lulofs, M. H., 1899-1958
Other form of name PPP: Lulofs-Székely, Madelon Hermine, 1899-1958
Other form of name PPP: Székely-Lulofs, Madelon Hermine, 1899-1958
Other form of name PPP: Lulofs, Madelon Hermine, 1899-1958
Other form of name PPP: Lulofs, Madeleine, 1899-1958
Citation: NKC
Citation: Lulofsová, Madelon: Guma klesá. V českém překladu vyd. 5., upr. Praha: Erika, 1993
Citation: KB - NBN, cit. 2. 5. 2013
Citation: www(Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), cit. 30. 4. 2013

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